Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dorothy's Shaving Cream

Last night at our Stamp 10 meeting I was returning the cards that Dorothy Dimento made with shaving cream and realized I hadn't shown you this beauty! I can't tell you much about what she used, but the simplicity of the card tells it all! I'm not sure how many colors of ink she used, but I would guess only Handsome Hunter and one other perhaps blue. We all oohed and aahed over it and I decided you all need to see what can be done with shaving cream and a few words. We had a wonderful crowd at the meeting last night and I think we all had a good time, what a nice group. Two of our group had just returned from world traveling, so I'm hoping they will be scrapbooking some of their pictures for us. Next month will be scrapbook month by the way. Also the plans are under way for our "Support our Troops" day on November 10. Judy Tinker and Tammy Ayers will be co-hosting the event which will be at my house that Saturday afternoon. All will be invited to stop in to make cards and collect items to be sent to Iraq. I will have a list of items that can be donated in a few days. Hope you all will mark your calendars. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

When I double click on the photos, I can see the detail in each card. This definately has blue in it and it coordinates with the blue paper below the green ribbon.

This is a neat technique and so easy to do :-)